02 Aug The benefits of delegate management systems!
The benefits of delegate management systems!
It’s going to be a week filled with registration sites at Seven Events, with September and October being our busiest time with back to back events, registration for most of these events are going to be launching this week.
Whilst they can be more time consuming to set up than a single email and excel spreadsheet, they are an event manager’s life saver, taking away the onus of collating individual details, and dramatically decreasing the chance of human error. Putting the responsibility of answering questions on the individual themselves to submit their own form with answers going directly onto your rooming list/dietary requirements/coach numbers is a big help when you need this info nearer to the day.
Not only that, but a bespoke registration site with client branding can be created; it can even be made to replicate a client’s website, making delegates feel like they are on a site they are used to. Information can be added, taking away from those unnecessarily phone calls and emails, and you can also hype up conversation leading up to the day, with automatic teaser emails and reveals onto the site the closer it gets to the event.