how to survive working from home

how to survive working from home

we have all had to make huge changes in this uncertain time and a major one for seven events has been the shift from working together, in a close-knit team in our lovely mayfair offices to working independently from home. we have kept our team together via regular conference calls and 1:1v catch-ups, sharing our highs and lows and even creating a collage of all our workstations!

it is so important to try and make it as much like your daily work routine as possible to ensure you are still keeping morale up and also trying to think of the best ways to find solutions.  we have done this by staying close together virtually with the team, suppliers and clients as well as the following:

1.waking up and getting dressed is super important so you can feel prepared and also separate yourself from home life.  don’t get us wrong, it is tempting to stay in your pjs and keep comfy – but fight the urge and make sure you don’t do this and you will be way more productive.

2.having a clear workstation which ideally is bright and spacious, with nice surroundings.  this will help you keep focussed, happier and make your head feel clearer.

3.having a lunch break like usual should help to break up the day and make you feel more focussed, energised and ready for the afternoon.  why not complete a workout at home, go for a walk or cook up a nice meal?

4.getting out and about during the day is really important for a number of reasons including; keeping fit, making sure you get some fresh air and daylight, seeing nature and moving your body.

5.staying away from tv during the day so it feels like a real work day and you don’t get distracted is also a way to stay more focussed.  that way you can feel like you have deserved your netflix marathon afterwards!

6.keeping positive and trying to use this time as an opportunity to do things that you may not usually have time to do in your busy job is also a positive outlook to take.

we hope you found this helpful!  please feel free to reach out to us at any point during this period with any event related questions at all – no matter how weird and wonderful, on