Whats Happening At SevenEvents

Avid followers of our blogs here at Seven Events Events will know that we like to find new hidden gems in London and this week we were lucky enough to be introduced to another. First off we started at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower. Nestled just off...

The Seven Events team are fans of festivals and drawing to the end of the festival season we are reflecting on a festival favourite, Secret Garden Party. Summer festivals come in all shapes and sizes, but standing above from the rest Secret Garden Party can...

Here at Seven Events we like to keep up to date with what’s happening in the industry so attending the C&IT Agency Forum is always a couple of days that we look forward to during the summer. It’s a great chance to meet new suppliers,...

Wowza. Now that has been a jammed packed, eye opening, fantastic week. I now know for certain that I’m on the right career path. Whilst my colleagues were working extremely hard to pull together a World class pitch for a jaw dropping RFP, I was...

On Friday night our working week wasn’t yet over as we attended the EVCOM Summer Party which was held at the very trendy Waterloo Studios. This is the first summer party for the newly created EVCOM since the two highly successful associations, Eventia and IVCA, merged...

As event manager’s we have all experienced that nightmare site visit! From a messy or unprepared meeting space to that sales person who doesn’t know anything about their product… vacant and unhelpful. To all you venue sales teams out there please take note of our...

The week began on a high. I tagged along with a colleague to have my first experience of site visiting; and boy was it a fabulous line up. Our Monday adventure began with the Science Museum a large venue to say the least. It felt...

An incentive trip designed to promote Lulea, part of Swedish Lapland, was a 'money can't buy' experience for 12 Indesit employees. [button size='' text='read more' icon='' icon_size='' icon_color='' link='http://www.citmagazine.com/article/1180415/indesit-holds-incentive-sweden' target='_blank' color='' background_color='' border_color='' font_style='' font_weight='' text_align='']...

Organisers get creative with Marseille in London...